Chocolate Salsa (WIP)

Lovely Meal

This is a wonderfully rich and fragrant salsa, using dark unsweetened chocolate as the 'special' ingredient. I found it in a recipe book for an organic chocolate farm in Panama.


Preparation Time:  15 Minutes
Cooking Time:  25 Minutes

1 onion 1/2 teasp cumin
1 large tomato 1 teasp chili powder
Olive oil 1/2 teasp oregano
1/2 teasp cinnamon 2 cups chicken broth
1/2 teasp nutmeg  1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup toasted almonds  2 oz dark unsweetend chocolate
1 slice bread, fried in olive oil until dark  Hot peppers to taste

Heat a little olive oil in a pan and saute onion and garlic until soft. Add chopped tomatoes, spices and half of the chicken broth. Simmer for 20 minutes. Add hot peppers if required, raisins, almonds and fried bread. Continue to simmer. Add the rest of the chicken broth as needed.


Leave to cool, then blend until smooth. Add melted chocolate and blend again. Chill in the refrigerator.

Serve with heaps of tortilla chips.