Boiled Halaoa Uto (Coconut Mash)

Lovely Meal

This vegetable is a staple of the Penrhyn Islanders in the Cook Islands and we were shown how to make it by our friend Kura from the village of Tetautua.

It's like a kind of dumpling made from grated coconut and flour, but is served with the consistency of thick mashed potatoes.

The same mixture is also fried - see Fried Halaoa Uto


Preparation Time:  10 Minutes
Cooking Time:  10 minutes

4 cups grated coconut flesh 1 teasp sugar
2 cups of flour Coconut Milk

Put the grated coconut, flour and sugar into a bowl, then add a little coconut milk and knead as a dough.

When mixed thoroughly, divide into a handful of dough, roll into thick sausage shape and wrap in cling film. (The traditional method is to wrap the dough in coconut leaves.)

Place into a pan of boiling water and poach for 10 minutes.  Open up the cling film packages and empty into a serving bowl.  Add coconut milk and mash with a fork or potato masher into the consistency of thick mashed potatoes. serve while still hot.