Fried Halaoa Uto (Coconut Patties)

Lovely Meal

This vegetable dish is a staple of the Penrhyn Islanders in the Cook Islands and we were shown how to make it by our friend Kura from the village of Tetautua.

It's like a kind of pattie made from grated coconut and flour.

The same mixture is also boiled- see Boiled Halaoa Uto


Preparation Time:  10 Minutes
Cooking Time:  10 minutes

4 cups grated coconut flesh 1 teasp sugar
2 cups of flour Coconut Milk

Put the grated coconut, flour and sugar into a bowl, then knead as a dough.

When mixed thoroughly, divide into a handful of dough, roll into disks about 3-4 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick.

These are then placed into hot fat and deep fried until golden.  An alternative is to pan-fry them in a lightly oiled pan.

Serve while still hot.