Warm Chicken and Pasta Salad

Lovely Meal

This makes for a substantial lunch, with hot grilled chicken over pasta, lettuce and tomatoes, and drizzled with a tangy honey mustard dressing.


Serves 2


Preparation Time:  15 Minutes

Cooking Time: 15 Minutes

 2 small chicken fillets  1 tblsp honey 
 2 tblsp barbecue sauce  1 tblsp cooking oil 
 2 oz pasta spirals  1 tblsp mild mustard
 2 cups crisp mixed lettuce leaves  1 tblsp cider vinegar
 8 cherry tomatoes  1 teasp sugar
 4 slices cucumber, diced  


Coat the chicken fillets with the barbecue sauce (or sweet chili sauce, or whatever sauce you like) and grill under a high heat until crispy brown on all sides and cooked - the juices of the chicken should run clear when pricked with a sharp knife. Put to one side to cool slightly, then cut diagonally into slices. 

Cook the pasta according to directions on the packet. Drain and reserve.

In a large serving bowl or individual bowls, add the lettuce leaves, cucumber and tomatoes. Place the cooked, warm pasta on top, followed by the slices of grilled chicken.

Mix together the honey, oil, mustard, sugar and vinegar, and pour over the chicken salad. It's then ready to eat.